Top 10 In Demand Tech Jobs In Market
Top 10 In Demand Tech Jobs In Market

Nowadays, the demands of computer experts are more than ever before. From developers to engineers to data scientists, the battle to find the best IT talent carries on. Companies are also hiring more resilient than average. According to the recent analysis, it is found that ten most in-demand technical jobs have seen on average a 30% increase in job listings. Let’s explore those Top 10 In Demand Tech Jobs In Market.

During the unprecedented times, we can see that the tech industry is still offering the few in-demand IT jobs in order to move quickly to ramp up new applications and talents. These tech careers are also best because they offer promising employment growth, high salaries, and excellent satisfaction ratings.

However, the most in demand IT job roles aren’t quite what they were a couple of months ago. Still, people who upskill during this time and learned skills that companies are looking for can find jobs now.

Here are top 10 in demand tech jobs in market.

Top 10 In Demand Tech Jobs

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning Engineer
  2. Data Scientist
  3. Software Engineer
  4. Information Security Analyst
  5. Data Analyst
  6. Cloud architect
  7. Database Administrator
  8. Full-Stack Developer
  9. DevOps Engineer
  10. Computer Network Architect

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning Engineer

The bright future of the planet is in the grip of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and / Machine Learning technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning Engineer job is top in the list of In Demand Tech Jobs In Market. Many big companies adopting AI into their businesses. As per the reports, it is estimated that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will create 2.3 million opportunities by the end of the year 2020.

Due to the emerging field of automation, the demand for job roles like artificial intelligence /machine learning engineers, software engineers and data scientists increased.

The career in AI is lucrative, has been exponential growth in the career opportunities and the average salary of an AI engineer is $114,121/ yr in the United States and ₹765,353/yr in India.

The In Demand Tech Jobs for AI skilled people are:

  • AI Developer
  • AI Architect
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Scientists

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2. Data Scientist

Data scientists are people analyzing and gathering large sets of structured and unstructured data to help organizations make better and more accurate decisions.

With the combined set of knowledge, i.e computer science, statistics, and mathematics- Data scientists analyze, process, and model data then interpret the results to create actionable plans.

Role of the Data Science profession.

  • Data Architect
  • Data Scientist
  • Business Analyst

Due to the increased demand for collecting more and more data every day by Organizations and businesses, it was found that there is a requirement of 28% more data scientists worldwide. The average salary of a data scientist is $141,000/yr.

3. Software Engineer

It is counted, that in the year 2019 the total population of software developers was 26.4 million worldwide and expected in the exponential rise in 2020.

Thanks to all software engineers, who are working very hard to bring innovation in our daily lives. All the apps in phone, software for all kind of industries are developed by software engineers.

The Software Engineering field is experiencing enormous growth across the world and opportunities within software development is projected to increase. Today, businesses of all kinds rely more heavily on computer-driven processes, emerging tech trends like artificial intelligence, automation, virtual reality, cryptocurrency and software engineers work on these trends to design, maintain, and innovate infrastructures.

Here are a few Role of In Demand Tech Jobs in Software Engineering becomes  – Full Stack Developer, Python Developer, Java Developer, Cloud Engineer, Data Scientist, Cybersecurity Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer and more.

4. Information Security Analyst

With the advent of networked computing, cloud solutions and their rapid adoption, data systems become ubiquitous. Due to this security concerns are also rising. Because data can access by others to gain a competitive advantage. Big organizations gather and manage large stores of information, to handle these data companies hire IT resources to keep it secure and safe.

Thus, Information Security Analyst work on the front lines to secure data and information from cyber threats. Its demand in companies also grows and has become a sought-after role across industries.

Information Security Analysts draws a median salary of approx. $98,350 and highest upto $126,870 per year.

Information security analysts focus on three main areas:

  • Risk assessment.
  • Vulnerability Check.
  • Manage firewalls and data encryption programs.

5. Data Analyst

As the name suggests, Data Analysts are responsible for analyzing data. Among all those In Demand Tech Jobs that work around data, Data Analyst is one that industries demand more. Companies hire Data Analyst to get data-driven insights in order to make correct decisions.

The technologies like SQL used to pull data from a company database, and then Analyst analyzes the data. Once after completing the successful career in Data Analyst, you can apply for the Data Scientist. Data Scientists are responsible for strong data visualization skills and convert it into useful information.

Today, 60% of companies plan to hire people that hold Data Analytics technical skills. Recently, IBM Predicts that the demand for Data Scientists Will Soar By 2020. The average starting salary is of Data Analyst is $60,000.

6. Cloud architect

A Cloud Architect is responsible for deploying and overseeing the cloud architecture and design of big organizations. Cloud architects are not the one, who works on architecture and design, the team including DevOps engineers and developers are also working to build the final solution.

To make a career in Cloud, one should know the following skills and knowledge:

  • Knowledge of Cloud computing
  • Understanding of cloud application architecture
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS), GCP and Azure
  • Operating system
  • Programming Languages Security

Today, many companies are around the globe are in the process of adopting cloud computing technology to transform at a rapid pace. Due to this gradual increase in cloud computing technology over the last few years, cloud architects are in great demand to achieve the desired goals of the company. The average yearly salary of a cloud architect is $118,000.

7. Database Administrator

Data is increasing as an exponential rate, so where does all this data go? This data collected in clustered format at one place. The Database administrators(DBAs) form short queries in order to make data in a meaningful way for the organization.

The DBAs job involves resolving complex issues, and its job is similar to data scientists, where they handle large volumes of digital information. The median salary of DBAs is $90,070. To keep data safe and secure all sized companies need Database administrators – DBAs.

8. Full-Stack Developer

A Full Stack developer knows both back-end and front-end software development(means both familiar with both client-side and server-side programming). The Full Stack developers are more flexible and adaptable to challenges. Due to this, the demand for Full Stack developers is high.

Nowadays, it’s no secret that multinational corporations, startups or mid-sized organizations are looking to hire young and talented software developers. This talent comes when you explore more programming languages and become an expert in it. By learning these skills many are also applying for these coveted roles.

Considering the salary, Full Stack web developers are considered as the highest-paid among the rest of the developers. Its average salary is 5.25 lakh per annum.

The skill required for Full Stack developer are:

  • Front-end code in JavaScript, HTML, HTML DOM, Java, CSS, Bootstrap, JSON, XML, Angular, React, Storybook, Grunt and Gulp.
  • Backend code in PHP, Java, C++, C#, Ruby, Python, REST, GO, SQL, MongoDB,, and Sass.
  • Networking and Security
  • Knowledge of APIs
  • Understanding of databases
  • OS and hardware

9. DevOps Engineer

Combination of Development and Operation called DevOps. The operation and development engineers work together from design to development. DevOps engineers ensure the efficiency and quality of the development.

In today’s job market, DevOps Engineer is one who is In Demand, its practices encourage faster code deployment with fewer failures. DevOps engineers check the project from code to design and ensure that everything goes smoothly. They do this by monitoring the software, troubleshooting it, and editing or configuring it if needed. The average base pay for a DevOps engineer is $115,666.

The skill required for DevOps Engineer are:

  • Coding and scripting skills
  • Automation, data management and IT operations
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills

10. Computer Network Architect

Computer network architects are responsible for designing and building all kinds of data communication networks i.e Local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and Intranets. They possess extensive knowledge, not only of engineering-related matters but also of their company’s business plan (intranet, LAN, etc.). And the average salary for the role in the United States is around $109,020 per year.

If you are someone who is fascinated by the world of computers and networks, then this may be a good choice for you.

 The skill required for Computer network architects are:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Detail-oriented
  • Knowledge of hardware (routers) and software (drivers).

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