Recently, Google announced the Pixel 4a smartphone. Now, according to a new report, Google’s next Assistant smart speaker could be launching as soon as this month with the price tag of $120 (Around 9,000 INR). The new speaker should launch under the Nest brand. This new Google Nest Speaker apparently carries the codename “J2”.
According to Roland Quandt retail sources, the new product (codenamed J2) should be available to purchase at the end of this month for a price tag of around $120.
There's a new Google Home launching soon codenamed "J2" and it's supposedly going to cost about 100 Euros. Available from the end of August, retail says.
— Roland Quandt (@rquandt) August 5, 2020
Roland Quandt also mentioned about the color options. The new Google Nest Speaker will be available in Chalk and Charcoal color options.
This new Google Nest Speaker may be a different speaker from the one that leaked last month. Which is internally known as prince.
The technology giant, Google is also expected to launch a new streaming stick codenamed Sabrina which will bring a new Android TV interface. Let’s see if Google will announce all these smart products at the same time or maybe it will launch with the Pixel 5 and Pixel 4a 5G later.
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