Facebook rolls out artificial intelligence tool to Spot Suicidal Users
Facebook rolls out artificial intelligence tool to Spot Suicidal Users

Facebook rolls out artificial intelligence tool to Spot Suicidal Users

This week the social media giant Facebook announced that it has deployed Artificial Intelligence-driven technology to identify users at risk of suicide and offer them support. Artificial intelligence will be used to help spot Suicidal Users, the company said in a blog post on Wednesday.

Facebook has said that it is also working with charities and helplines to develop methods for putting those at risk instantly in contact with a counsellor or advisor.

The social media giant is integrating suicide prevention tools into its Live videos to help people in real time. It has unveiled live chat support from crisis support organizations on Messenger and streamlined reporting for suicide, with the help of artificial intelligence. “I wrote a letter on building the global community a couple of weeks ago, and one of the pillars of community I discussed was keeping people safe. These tools are an example of how we can help keep each other safe,” said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a post.

According to Facebook, this is the first time that it has deployed AI algorithms to review users’ posts for troubling content – potential future uses include identifying possible terrorists.Facebook rolls out artificial intelligence tool to Spot Suicidal Users

Using data from reported posts, Facebook would use its Artificial intelligence technology to spot patterns between flagged items, identifying posts that suggest that user may be suicidal.

“Our Community Operations team will review these posts and, if appropriate, provide resources to the person who posted the content, even if someone on Facebook has not reported it yet,” Facebook was quoted as saying.

The company said on Wednesday that the updated tools would give an option to users watching a live video to reach out to the person directly and report the video to Facebook.

Facebook will also provide resources, which include reaching out to a friend and contacting a helpline, to the user reporting the live video.


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