Basics of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and its benefit - SEO & PPC
Basics of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and its benefit - SEO & PPC

The digital world is getting very competitive and the trends are getting familiar with every individual within a fraction of time. As everyone is in the search for the best strategy to get at the top. Here we are going to know the basic things about SEM, SEO and PPC for getting a better understanding in the niche as 35 to 40% of all technology spending will go towards digital marketing in the coming year.

Once, Bill Gates had said that- “Power comes not from knowledge kept but from the knowledge shared.”

So, let’s start with the aim of gaining information about these terms- SEM, SEO, and PPC – and enhance your basic knowledge.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing):

Search engine marketing (SEM), as it appears to be related to Marketing. So, SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a type of process or concept through which you do online marketing of your things or products on the World Wide Web. Search engine marketing is done in two ways – They are SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay per Click).

SEM (search engine marketing) when it is split, it gets in the form of SEO and PPC. SEO and PPC are used for advertising to the people who are looking for similar services and the product you are offering and providing them. These two incorporates; paid and organic search results in the form of PPC and SEO. The paid search result is PPC (pay per click) and free or organic is SEO (search engine optimization).

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So, we can relate that SEM (search engine marketing) is used to provide the result to all the relevant search queries that the people are looking for the related niche of services and product, is one part and the other part is to optimizing your website to be at the top of the search engine. Being on the top can be acquired by optimizing your website as better as you can.

It is very helpful to make your business path easier. So, why don’t you start using it now?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

Basics of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and its benefit - SEO & PPC
Basics of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and its benefit – SEO & PPC

Search Engine Optimization is the practice of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. As everything has their pros and cons or good and bad quality in it. The good thing about SEO is- It will bring you to the top of search engine results if done correctly. The Bad thing about SEO is that it requires a long period of your time. “Time- The most PRECIOUS thing on this Earth which is not comparable to anything. When I say “Anything means anything – not even the amount of money, which the company spend on their brand promotion.” As all the entrepreneurs, business owners or any individual on this earth long for quick results. So, this is not possible here with SEO as it requires a long time to get crawled and popular on the search engine for better result.

The two mainly used techniques of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are-

  1. ON-Page SEO
  2. Off-Page SEO

READ MORE: On-Page SEO Checklist : A Complete Guide To Optimize Your Website Pages

ON-Page SEO Technique-

On-Page SEO is the technology that is mainly done over your site by improving the Errors, Broken links, Tags, Meta descriptions, Keywords search and so on. On-page SEO can be done by the following techniques. These are:

  1. Keywords Analysis
  2. Competitors Website Analysis
  3. Tag Optimization
  4. URL
  5. Favicon
  6. Web Speed Optimization
  7. Sitemap File
  8. Robots.txt File
  9. Content Optimization
  10. Web page analysis and so on.

OFF-Page SEO Technique-

Off-page SEO is the technique in which you do stuff of things to promote your site by creating better content, generating backlinks or getting the juiced link from other sites. It is accomplished by the following activities. These activities are boredom to do but bear fruitful results.

READ MORE: 19 Best Techniques That Increase Website Traffic With Advanced SEO

The few Off-Page SEO techniques which are in the trends are-

  1. Creating shareable content
  2. Influencer Outreach
  3. Contribute as Guest Author
  4. Forum Submission
  5. Article Submission
  6. Image Submission
  7. Document Sharing
  8. Blog Directories Submission
  9. Question and Answer Websites

“The SEO in present time is the most important task for all the upcoming years as business strategies in the real market of Digital World.” – Neel_The_Nasty


Basics of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and its benefit - SEO & PPC
Basics of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and its benefit – SEO & PPC

PPC (Pay per Click) is a very fast responding process where it results instantly to work and get the result in a fraction of time. This is for everyone, too exciting. Isn’t it? The worst thing about it is that it cost money for every response it creates.

READ MORE: Insight-driven Marketing for Pay Per Click campaign (PPC)

The ads in the market will help to figure out the real value of your product. If the real value is known, then half the battle is own in advance. This estimation will help you to measure the real market value of the product and the service offered by you.

After knowing these, the exact value of the product, the value I mean here is the need and requirement of that PPC can be calculated by dividing the advertising cost to the number of clicks generated by the advertisement.

[Cost per click = Advertising Cost/ Ads Clicked]

The PPC is subcategorized in two parts. These are-

  1. Flat-Rate PPC
  2. Bid- Based PPC

Flat-Rate PPC:

Here the advertiser and publisher agree upon a fixed amount that will be paid for each view with the click. The amounts for the paid cost are mainly related to the content on pages- whether it attracts more visitors or not. If that attracts more visitors, then it has a higher PPC rate than that of less valuable visitors, in many cases, the amount can be negotiated at a low rate. If you are committing to having a long term high valued bid over the contracts.

Bid-Based PPC:

Here in this method of PPC, the advertiser has to sign a contract that allows them to face competition against other advertiser hosted by the publisher. When the bidding is going on, every single advertiser will inform the publisher or host with his or her maximum bidding amount that they are willing to pay for a given ad, these ads are mainly based on a keyword.

The system of the auction comes out in an automated manner every time a visitor triggers the ads or ads spot.

The Winner of that auction is determined by the bid over those keywords that target the searcher’s Geographical location, the day and time of the search, etc. All these are compared and the results are declared.

The best thing about this auction is that there can be multiple winners.

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Most probably, focusing on one or two would be the best. As the market, today is much more advanced in digital than it was earlier. Keeping regular stats of each metrics – which one is working better and resulting in what time.

Finally, we can conclude that SEM, SEO and PPC are the basic of Digital Marketing along with many others. So, knowing the root will get fruitful results. As once it was said and is in fact, true that “If the root of the tree is strong then only its branches will be expanded further and if the branches are expanding, it will bear a ripped and better fruit. So, always focus on the root and the fruit will automatically be the best.

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