6 Reasons Why Magento Is The Best eCommerce Platform

Magento Is The Best eCommerce Platform
Here are the 6 Reasons Why Magento Is The Best eCommerce Platform

Here are the 6 Reasons Why Magento Is The Best eCommerce Platform

There are a number of CMS (Content management system) platforms out there but when it comes to the best then Magento is our only option. Don’t believe me check out Nestle Nespresso, Olympus, Darveys, Happilyunmarried, FordHere are the 6 Reasons Why Magento Is The Best eCommerce Platform.

A bit confused!! Let me tell you something. All these websites and around 29% of e-commerce of the world are powered by Magento. It provides all the functionality for successfully running your e-commerce business-like.

  • Rich Dashboard
  • Default Responsive Design
  • Easy Integration
  • User-friendly Inventory Management
  • CMS option
  • Newsletter

READ MORE: Top 10 Best CMS (Content Management System) in 2020 

1Magento is Open Source

Magento is open source and Free. Magento has three version

  1. Magento Community Edition (free)
  2. Magento Enterprise Edition (premium)
  3. Magento Go (premium & hosted on Magento’s servers)

The community edition is most popular and free version. It has very vast Magento community support and is actively supported across the world. It is free to download and easy to install. You can customize according to your business. Magento connect is one of the largest marketplaces over the internet.

2SEO friendly

Magento is the most search engine friendly platform than any other. It comes with the inbuilt feature of creating SEO friendly URLs, description, sitemaps and much more. This saves you from the lengthy and tiring task of making your store search engine friendly. According to a report from SimilarWeb, almost 40% of worldwide e-commerce traffic in January 2016 came from search engines. So it is very important that your website ranks on top on Google.

READ MORE: E-commerce SEO: An Ultimate Guide to SEO for E-commerce Websites

3Mobile first

These days nearly 60% searches are from smartphone and this number is growing. Although there are hundreds of App out there, people prefer to search first on their smartphones, visit the respective website and then buy. So it is very important that your web store is mobile friendly and loads fast. According to a report from google mobile friendliness is also a criterion for ranking on google.

4Multiple Store on One Backend

Here is a good news, if you own more than one web store then Magento is your savior. Magento is capable of hosting multiple web store on one backend. Every store can have completely different layouts and design for their own stores. You can even have different domains for each store.


With a little knowledge of Magento, It is easy to customize. Each and every business has its own needs. What goes with sports industry does not work in Luxury fashion.
Modular and open source nature of this platform gives its user the ability to customize as per their requirement. There are a plethora of plugins out there on its marketplace which is ready to use.

6Tracking and Analytical

Magento’s has recently introduced its own analytical and tracking tool called Magento’s Business Intelligence. This tool is fully customizable and can be used by both business and technical users. This tool will better help to track and analyze your customer in more better way.

READ MORE:How To Add Google Analytics Code To Magento platform

Few other features of Magento – Best eCommerce Platform

  1. An increasingly customer-centric shopping experience
  2. Cross-browser support
  3. Safer, more secure upgrade and payments. Easy to add new payment gateway.
  4. Multi-lingual and multi-currency support. Freedom to add new language and currency any time.
  5. Quick checkout option.
  6. Inbuilt feature for optimizing SEO
  7. Well organized and easy to use backend.


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