How Much Time Do People Spend on Social Media Per Platform?
How Much Time Do People Spend on Social Media Per Platform?

Due to the quick connection and from anywhere to anyone social media platforms are an all-time favorite of people. The people share information, ideas and build communities. However, the craze of social media is being influenced and people get addicted to social media, like Facebook, Youtube, etc. It has become our daily habit and 40 % of the time we spent on social media. Read this article to know How Much Time Do People Spend on Social Media Per Platform.

In addition to these, the pool of social platforms is growing continuously. As hundreds of apps are available and new launches are inline, people get trapped. Almost, half of the daily time people spend in scrolling and adding/uploading pictures.

Since its inception in 1996, social media starts getting more and more users engaged and active on the platforms. Currently, approx 7.7 billion people are active from all over the world and its network is continuously growing. Lets’s have an eye on How Much Time Do People Spend On Social Media Per Platform?

1. Average Daily Time Spent On YouTube

The second-largest search engine, YouTube is the most engaging platform where people spent an average of 11 minutes 24 seconds per day. Youtube is also nowhere near to Facebook in terms of active daily users i.e 2 billion monthly active users.

As per the data report shared by Hootsuite an average visitor spends 41.9 minutes on YouTube. YouTube users consume billions of hours of content every day. Since last year the number grows exponentially and the majority of YouTube visits come from mobile (70%), and the most active country is the US (14.8%), followed by India (8.1%).

2. Average Daily Time Spent On Facebook

The adoption of sponsored posts, different types of Ads, and lots of offerings companies bombarding direct in your inbox from their corporate pages are more frustrating on Facebook these days. As a result, Facebook loses its network among generations and grapples with the numbers it has in the last decade.

Today, People spend an average of 35 minutes on Facebook per day. This is a substantially lower amount of time than its inception and last decade. Moreover, the new apps and platforms battling to win the race and be on top. These days, the younger generation migrated to TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram.

3. Average Daily Time Spent On Instagram

Instagram remains incredibly popular with teens, it has been the most popular platform and its reach has been huge. This video and image-sharing social media platform was the 4th most downloaded mobile app of the decade and a huge base of influencers.

On Instagram, the average person spends 33 minutes a day. Instagram is also on a lower side, due to the other apps taking half of the market like TikTok, Snapchat – more addictive social media platforms.

4. Average Daily Time Spent On TikTok

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media applications of all time. It crossed over 3 billion downloads all over the world in just 4 years. Due to its extremely addictive short-form video content, it is most popular among the younger generation.

As per Statista, in early 2021, the platform has close to 1.29 billion monthly active users and now it is exploded globally with 3 billion downloads. On TikTok users spend 32 minutes per day. Today, TikTok is considered as potential marketing channel.

5. Average Daily Time Spent On Twitter

Twitter is considered as more of a news platform than a social media platform. Its daily active user count is now up to 211 million and it is growing every year with an increase of 13% year-over-year.

This year in March 2021, Twitter turned 15 years old. But since its inception, it’s been a highly sociable channel where rapid-fire tweets can fire up and anyone can retweet and comment on it. The average time spent on Twitter is 10 minutes per day. This is quite low but a completely business-focused and relevant conversation thread happens.

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