WordPress Calypso – A new Management Interface
WordPress is the most popular framework to power websites. According to independent technology information provider W3techs, WordPress powers a 25 percent of the internet’s websites. The popular blogging site WordPress gets a new management interface – WordPress Calypso.

WordPress Calypso, a new admin interface today for managing blogs, posting content and reading other people’s sites. WordPress Calypso is available for the Mac desktop app and the desktop applications for Windows and Linux to be launched soon.
However, Calypso is not part of the WordPress core. According to the official project site is located in the community, to decide that:
[su_quote]We’re laying on Entirely new foundation for a generation of apps and services built on WordPress – but Whether the Calypso codebase Eventually Becomes Part of core WordPress and replaces the WP-Admin is up to the WordPress community.[/su_quote]
If you’re a regular user, you will notice a new look. If you’re a code geek, you’ll notice something more remarkable below the surface: JavaScript instead of PHP.
WordPress was started by Matt Mullenweg, approximately 10 years ago and begun as a project after a personal trip and the need for a platform to power a blog of his trip updates.

Over the years, Matt Mullenweg founded Automattic, a company that offered commercial WordPress services. In a blog post by Matt Mullenweg, he mentioned how the most difficult thing to do in technology is to disrupt yourself. That certainly holds true with the achievements by Matt Mullenweg and his community of millions of developers across the world.
WordPress was written in a programming language called PHP, which has long been popular with web developers for making it fast and easy to write new programs. Much of WordPress remains written in PHP, but most of the new interface has been re-written in JavaScript.

For the front end users, the team used React.js, a JavaScript framework developed by Facebook to create cross-platform user interfaces.
For the backend code, the team used the popular server-side JavaScript platform Node.js. For users who host their own version of WordPress, Automattic will host the Node.js portion of the code on their own server, with which the Jetpack plugin will communicate, freeing up web hosts from having to support Node.js.
Matt Mullenweg hopes Calypso becomes a part of WordPress some day, but he believes that is a decision that needs to be taken by the developer community. Calypso has been released as an open source project on GitHub under the GPL v2 license.