Instagram: Soon Permit Users To Download Data
Instagram: Soon Permit Users To Download Data

Instagram: Soon Permit Users To Download Data

A spokesman said on Wednesday, “Instagram will soon allow its users to download a copy of all the content they have uploaded on the photo-sharing platform”.

In the digital era, privacy must be a priority” After considering all the news related to data privacy i.eFacebook Has Been Collecting All Your Call History And SMS and Find And Download Everything Google Knows About You
It is really hard to trust on any social network. Now, Soon you find Instagram allows users to download their data due to privacy reasons.

This data privacy factor becomes global concerns, How much information on social media platforms and the amount of user data that companies keep.

So, Facebook has let its users download their data(photos, messages, Video, clicked advertisements and a log of all their activity) since at least 2010. currently, Instagram has required any such feature.

According to reports, This photo sharing company has almost 800 million users worldwide and due to privacy concerns, users wait for this tool.

Also, If the tool is launched before May 25, it will help the company with upcoming European privacy laws that require data portability.

Instagram said, “We are building a new data portability tool. You’ll soon be able to download a copy of what you’ve shared, including your photos, videos and messages.”

In terms of Privacy, this is a good move as this tool could help users to monitor how much of their data is on the platform.

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