How To Create Facebook Sales Funnel
How To Create Facebook Sales Funnel

Great sales funnel help marketers by giving a specific insight of their potential customer’s. Moreover, the quality sales funnel convert leads into sales, grow sales and revenue over time. Now, what it takes to create a successful “ Facebook Sales Funnel“? We will cover everything in this article. You will be thankful you read this.

What is sales funnel?

Sales Funnel is the process of converting marketing qualified lead to sales. It is also known as a revenue funnel or step by step sales process. According to the company or product, there are multiple steps, which differ depending on the particular sales model.

Steps of sales funnel including:

  • Awareness
  • Interest Phase
  • Evaluation Phase
  • Decision Phase
  • Purchase Phase
  • Reevaluation Phase
  • Repurchase Phase

Let’s look into how to do this.

Facebook Sales Funnel

  1. Create great quality content
  2. Run Ad for your Audience
  3. Targeting
  4. Convert Cold Audience into Warm
  5. Effective remarketing
  6. Analytics to increase performance
  7. Focus On Returning Buyers

1. Create great quality content

This is the first phase when you are going to generate awareness of product and service.
You can use several strategies to generate awareness and can check a few different forms of content (blog post, PDFs, infographic, video, slideshow, webinar or eBook). Do a content audit, to check what you are be missing.

All these pieces of content should be in a quick introduction about your product and why users need it.

Moreover, make sure that it is specific and relevant that exactly reflects your product or services.

2. Run Ad for your Audience

Next, determine what kind of audiences you already have. in this phase target audience who shows interest on your page or website. To do this, keep an eye on the engagement of content (Image, audio, video, text). Take time to thoroughly analyze data in order to check what’s performing best.

For different content, run a referral contest, discounts, coupons, create organic engaging posts, create polls, and ask questions. List specific features, pain points, and add benefits of your products to remind users why they need them.

3. Targeting

Target the customer who are in need of your products. Run retargeting campaigns on users who have expressed interest.

You can target affinity audience like people who watched your video ad, by emails, behaviour, demographics and ages etc. Targeting can help you to nudge users towards the next step in the sales funnel.

Another big benefit to using Facebook ads is “Lookalike Audiences”. Create Lookalike Audiences off high-value Custom Audiences.

READ MORE: 6 Most Powerful Facebook Marketing Tips 

4. Convert Cold Audience into Warm

By running your first ad you can analyze the warm audience. Now, its turn to convert what audiences you do not have, cold audience. There are three type of audiences- cold, warm, and hot (bottom-of-funnel) audiences.

Now expose your most engaging content to your cold audience, whether it was a video, blog post, or webinar.

5. Effective Remarketing

Remarketing on Facebook helps boost conversions and lowers CPA of campaigns. Such Ads are targeted for genuinely interested audience.

For running the remarketing Ads, Facebook is the perfect network. Create the custom audience from the offline data and run Ad on it. Other best way of retargeting is to run Ad on video views of the first campaign or clicks to the landing page.

For remarketing, Carousel Ads and Collection Ads are great choices. They’re able to quickly showcase a number of different products of services quickly.

6. Analytics to increase performance

Get a deeper understanding of your audience, list all behaviours, how they interact with your business across your website, app, Facebook Page and more.

Use Facebook pixel to optimize your ads. A pixel is an analytics tool that consists of a javascript code that you can put on your website. It fires to track site visitors, engagement and purchases. It also, allows you to retarget those users in the future. If you are using multiple tools or more than one tool for tracking or serving ads then use GTM to not create a mess in the existing code of your website.

7. Focus On Returning Buyers

Encourage repeat purchases, target ads for existing customers to reduce acquisition cost,  a new customer is much higher than retaining old customers.

Do reminder in organic posts, emails and ads about your referral programs, and discounts. Run ad campaigns based on purchase history.


Creating a Facebook sales funnel, increase the chances to convert leads into sales. It is designed to nurture leads until they’re ready to purchase.

So, start creating Facebook sales funnel before running your Ads. Use relevant and appealing content to slowly prod visitors, leads to conversion.

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