How To Start A Podcast
How To Start A Podcast

Blogging, is a great work to deliver personal opinions, activities, experiences and reflections to the audience. But, when it comes to generating more traffic and provide quality information to help the audience, one should definitely go with Podcast. In this article, you will learn how to start a Podcast.

Every Blog owner that produce quality content, delivering the right information, growing a business, Promoting products or selling products, Services should start a podcast on  iTunesSoundcloudSpotify, SticheriHeart Radio, Google Play that offers the best listen to an audio podcast

It is very important for bloggers who really want to help their audience, Promote their product, Services as well as generating traffic to the website. Promotion of blog(Content marketing) techniques includes blog posts, social media updates, visuals, video, slide decks, and even more. Podcasting is another best option to this mix.


A podcast is a natural piece of digital audio content that’s available for digital download. It is a form of “Narrowcast” content that is different from “Broadcast” content and specific to the niche audience.

Podcasting targeted to those who are genuinely interested in that type of content, which is great for online marketers.

Why You Should Start A Podcast

Naturally, there are so many fascinating reasons for starting a podcast. It’s a great approach to build a deeper connection with your visitors and audience, expand your audience, connect with other leaders in your space, deepen your relationship with your audience, Get sponsorships, Promote Yourself, and much more. Let’s walk through how to start a podcast from the beginner level with no idea 🙂

How To Start Podcast

Take a deep breath and have a look at these steps to organize yourself for the first Podcast.

  • First plan your podcast, from listener to problem and make a note of solution.
  • Give a short name to your podcast.
  • Plan initial episodes to get a feel for your topic and its durability.
  • Let’s choose a format that gives quality and sustainability.
  • Arrange your equipment and use it to record a show.
  • Present your show in a sustainable way.
  • Finally, Publish your podcast to iTunes and elsewhere.


All you need to arrange a cell phone or computer, an internet connection, and something to talk about. First, think of a record and go.


Think about the topic which you are going start to record. Take some time and think about how you want your show to flow.  Is it segmented? Is it just you, or you and a friend? Do you have guests? Remote interviews? Is it more like a talk show? So your listeners know when next episode will release.

2. Starting With CELLPHONE

If you have a good Smartphone then this is the easiest way to start a podcast. All you need to install an app called Anchor. The anchor is a new and good quality app, that offers a high-quality record podcast, host unlimited episodes, and distribute everywhere with just one click.

Additionally, This app trying to renew the audio space, providing the space for you to have your own talk show, utilizing short-form audio, long-form audio, music, and more.It gives an option to interview your friends directly in-app, and even publish to iTunes.



Now, you know the easiest way to record audio but when it comes to recording higher quality audio, I’d recommend getting some audio equipment.

Also, Go with up to two microphones at a time. You’ll record directly to your computer from the Focusrite interface, using the two Audio Technica mics.

Moreover, there is an alternative to the Focusrite interface would be this Zoom H4n, which records to an SD card, instead of a computer. Just plug the mics directly into it, and then put the SD card into your computer to get the raw files off after recording.


Recording & editing is extremely similar across all these platforms, here I recommend you to go with Audacity, my favourite free audio recording & editing software.

How To Start A Podcast

Note*You can also have an eye on GarageBand if you have an Apple computer or Adobe Audition.

Move on,  Plug your audio interface to your computer. Plug the mics into the interface, and set up Audacity to record from them. Finally hit record and start talking!

Once you complete recording, you can start to edit. Start cutting up awkward silences, voice breaks and anything you don’t want on the record.

Cool! you complete this, Now export the file.


For a continues attachment with the audience, I would like to suggest go with 3-5 episodes ready to publish at once.

Think before publishing a podcast, Once you’re ready to publish your podcast, you’ll want to upload it for everyone to hear. Use any distribution/hosting service that hosts your files for anyone to download, and generates an RSS feed that “podcatchers” (like iTunes) read to know where to download the file from & information about the podcast.

Good Luck! 🙂 If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also search for the latest tech news and follow us on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn.



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