Ahmed Aly leave Google and go to HackerRank
Ahmed Aly leave Google and go to HackerRank

Google lost one of its best employees to a startup – HackerRank

Ahmed Aly, a famous software engineer who worked at google Code Jam, quit his job and join the HackerRank in August 2015. Ahmed Aly received his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Computer Science from the Cairo University and he achieved the 2309 TopCoder rating, top 2% world rank, in January 2013.

From 2008-2010, Ahmed Aly has continuously ranked under top 3 in the ACM ICPC Arab regional contest and in 2011, he was selected as the judge and chief architect in the ACM ICPC Arab regional contest.

Why Ahmed Aly quit his job at Google and join HackerRank?

[su_quote cite=”Ahmed Aly”]HackerRank’s Vivek Ravisankar was the only message I replied to because I really like what HackerRank’s doing. And I think this is the field where I can do my best. I can do what I love doing.[/su_quote]

Ahmed Aly – a famous coder who spent 3.5 years at Google working on its search algorithm and ran the entire Code Jam contest, an international coding competition hosted and administered by Google where Competitors may use any programming language to obtain their solutions. Ahmed Aly was very happy at Google, but HackerRank gave him the chance to work what he love: a competitive programming.

[su_quote cite=”Ahmed Aly”]I’m very passionate about the programming competitions field, I’ve been doing it for years. I did this because I want to do what I love. If you do what you love, then you’ll always be good at it.[/su_quote]

HackerRank is a company that focuses on competitive programming challenges for both consumers and businesses and hosts programming contests for over one million computer programmers. HackerRank was started by the Vivek Ravisankar and Hari Karunanidhi who worked as software engineers at Amazon and IBM. HackerRank is a Y Combinator-backed company, and HackerRank was the first Indian company accepted into Y Combinator.


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