Omni Hoverboard – A hoverboard that actually flies - Alexandru Duru
Omni Hoverboard – A hoverboard that actually flies

Omni Hoverboard – Alexandru Duru has invented a hoverboard that actually flies

A Canadian inventor, Alexandru Duru has invented a hoverboard that can actually fly – The Omni Hoverboard. With this new invention, Alexandru Duru sets a new Guinness World Record for longest journey on a hoverboard, hovering 5m over water for 276m.

To break an existing world record, Alexandru Duru had to travel using his hoverboard more than 5 meters but he smashed the record by traveling five times the required distance, an amazing 276 meters or 905 feet while flying more than 5 meters or 16 feet before the hoverboard ran out of batteries.

“I wanted to showcase that a stable flight can be achieved on a hoverboard and a human could stand and control with their feet,” said Alexandru Duru, after travelling five times the distance needed to set the Guinness World Record.

Omni Hoverboard – A hoverboard that actually flies - Alexandru Duru
Omni Hoverboard – A hoverboard that actually flies

The Omni Hoverboard features eight propellers and a frame made from carbon fiber. The motors controlling the propellers are powered by 12 lithium polymer batteries, which generate around 40 horsepower, but sadly, this currently generates a combined flying time of only 1.5 minutes.

Just like a helicopter, you can easily move the Hoverboard both up and down as well as side to side. Acceleration is achieved by squeezing a joystick made from a pair of pliers.

Alexandru Duru invited the CBC into his workshop and to a family gathering by a lake to see the innovations he and the company – Omni Hoverboards – are making on this new, secret project. The Omni Hoverboard is expected to be released in 2017.


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