Google Code Contest – Google Code-in – a contest to introduce pre-university students to open source software development
Google Code Contest – Google Code-in is offering the opportunity for the pre-university students (ages 13-17) to show their talent in computer science by completing the tasks created by the open source organizations.
In Google Code Contest – Google Code-in – this year, there are 14 open source organizations that are creating more than thousands of tasks for pre-university students.
The 14 Open Source organizations provide 5 major categories of the task, which means there is an option for the pre-university students to choose the tasks according to their interest.
The 5 major categories of the task are- Quality Assurance, Documentation, Training, User Interface, Outreach, Research, and Coding. These tasks allow kids to work on real software projects with the help of mentors in the field.

The Selected 14 Open Source organizations are FOSSASIA, Haiku, KDE, MetaBrainz, OpenMRS, RTEMS, SCoRe, Sugar Labs, Systers, Apertium, Copyleft Games Group, Drupal, Ubuntu, and Wikimedia Foundation.
Google Code Contest – Google Code-in – 2015 opens for pre-university students to register and start claiming tasks on December 7, 2015. students must be at least 13 years of age and no older than 17 years of age on your date of registration for the Contest.

Google Code Contest – Google Code-in – 2015 contest ends on January 25, 2016. On successful completion of tasks, eligible pre-university students can earn prizes -Digital Certificates, T-shirts, Hoodies and grand prize trip to Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California for 4 nights in June 2016.
In the past five years, more than 2,230 students from 87 countries have participated in Google Code-in and over 12,400 open source tasks completed.
Here are some Examples of Google Code Contest – Google Code-in – Tasks
- Create a recipe file for Haikuporter to build Weather
- Write Data Driven Tests to Validate a form
- Playerd: Bluetooth Pairing on Linux
- Troubleshoot and Fix Mifos X Android app crashing
- Create a “GCI Students New to Drupal” page in
- Improve Description of Wikidata tools and add screenshots
- Identify and fix any bug that causes a BRL-CAD Tool to Crash
- Improve Responsiveness for Mobile Version of FOSSASIA Github page
For more information, or to enter contest site, check out the Google Code-in webpage.