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Password Free Login – Google begins testing login method using your phone

Google begins testing login method using your phone -Password Free Login
Google begins testing login method using your phone

The search giant is now testing a new Google Account option – Password Free Login – that let users log into their Google accounts using their phones for identification, skipping the part where you have to enter your password on a computer, tablet or another device. The new feature uses your smartphone to authenticate your identity by bringing up a notification that allows you to grant or deny access to your Google account.

Google on Tuesday confirmed that it is testing this new password free login functionality with a small group of users, but didn’t say when it plans to roll out the feature to the general public.

Reddit user rp1226, or Rohit Paul as he is known offline was invited to test the new password free login feature. The new password free login system lets you verify your identity via your smartphone, according to Reddit user Rohit Paul.

Google begins testing login method using your phone Password Free Login
Google begins testing login method using your phone

This new password free login functionality works like this: Go to login to your Google account like normal, and provide your email only, no need to type a long password. Google will then send a message directly to your mobile phone asking if you’re trying to sign in. If you answer “yes,” you’ll then need to provide the secret code on your phone, and voila, you’re in.

“If you hit yes [on your phone], the computer logs into your Google account without a password,” Rohit Paul wrote on Reddit.

Google tells the group of users they are able to turn off this new feature at any time, and can leave the trial group if they don’t want to offer Google their feedback about the sign-in process. The test works on iOS and Android, and you can still log in with your regular typed password if you prefer -Google.


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