Fedora Linux Distro Available For Raspberry Pi – Here’s How To Install It
Fedora Linux Distro Available For Raspberry Pi – Here’s How To Install It

Fedora Linux Distro Available For Raspberry Pi – Here’s How To Install It

The Raspberry Pi computers are extremely popular, people like them because they are small, inexpensive, and very useful for various projects.

Red Hat is the biggest name in the open source world and it’s busy improving its line of distros: RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS. Fedora might not be one of the most popular Linux distros, but it’s certainly one of the most beloved. Now, Fedora 25 officially supports Raspberry Pi 2 and 3.

In the past, we’ve seen some remixed version of Fedora that supported Raspberry Pi. Now, Fedora 25 Beta Workstation is available for both the Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. In addition to the Workstation image, Fedora 25 Beta Server is available too.

“So support for the Raspberry Pi in Fedora has been a long time coming and yes, it’s FINALLY here with support landing just in time for Beta! The most asked question I’ve had for a number of years is around support of the Raspberry Pi. It’s also something I’ve been working towards for a very long time on my own time. The eagle-eye watchers would have noticed we almost got there with Fedora 24, but I got pipped at the post because I felt it wasn’t quite good enough yet. There were too many minor issues around ease of use”, says Peter Robinson, Fedora engineering team.

Robinson also says, “we support everything you’d expect from a device supported by Fedora. We have a proper Fedora supported upstream userspace and kernel, with all the standard Fedora features like SELinux support. It receives the usual array of updates so no need to exclude kernel updates! The kernel supports all the drivers you’d expect, like various USB WiFi dongles, etc. You can run whichever desktop you like or Docker/Kubernetes/Ceph/Gluster as a group of devices — albeit it slowly over a single shared USB bus”.

Owners of ARMv6-powered Pi models, such as the Pi Zero, are out of luck, as the operating system will not be made available for them.

Here’s How to install Fedora Linux Distro

The process of setting up Fedora 25 on Raspberry Pi is much basic. You can easily prepare the SD card on any Linux distro, MacOS, or Windows. You can download the Workstation image here ⇓.

To install it, you must write it to a properly formatted storage card. To do so, please use the command below. You will obviously need to change ‘/dev/XXX’ to match the location of your card.

xzcat Fedora-IMAGE-NAME.raw.xz | sudo dd status=progress bs=4M of=/dev/XXX

For complete information, you can read the Fedora Project’s guide.


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