How To Write A Great Cover Letter For Job

How to Write a Cover Letter
How to Write a Cover Letter

How to Write a Great Cover Letter For Job in 5 Easy Steps

“If one of your top goals for the year is to find a new job then you’re not alone”. Whether you recently lost your job or are ready to jump ship from your current one, the Cover letter always play a vital role in getting a good job.

Although, The resume focuses on you and the past. The Cover letter focuses on the employer and the future. the first couple of sentences in any cover letter have a loaded task.

Tell the hiring professional what you can do to profit the organization in eternity. Such positive statements towards the organisation can grab the attention of a recruiter who has already reviewed hundreds of applications.

Here are five unique approaches to start your Cover letter: Firstly, make sure Your Cover letter is a single-page letter that should be part of any job application.

Let’s begin with the types of Cover letters

There are three common types of Cover letters:

  • Application letter: Regarding the response to a known job opening.
  • Prospecting letter: Regarding possible positions inquiry.
  • Networking letter: Regarding applications that need information and support in the job search.

1With a passionate and professional greeting:

You are applying to an organization where you are excited to start a career growth. The company recruiter team considering hiring you – so your opening should help them to think of you as someone they’d like to work with.

For example- You should start a Cover letter by writing Dear Mr John,” “Dear John,” or Mr John,” all are appropriate. In case, you don’t know the name of hiring a person just write Dear Hiring Manager”.  

2Be specific:

Maintaining a professional tone is the soundest way to be considered by the recruiter’s eye. Make sure that you do not write a fiction about yourself.

Mention those specific points that render your skill in order to find more about your working knowledge and experience. Let the employer know that you are the right person for this position. For example- Mention in your Cover Letter I’m interested in the position of Software developer you recently posted. I have been a professional developer for three years, and am very familiar with Java, Javascript, WordPress, and Database.

During my 3 years as Software developer, I managed a team of developer that produced many successful projects. You can see some of my own Projects at my Blog (

3Focus on your main skills:

Everyone pursues different courses, holding many subjects but not everyone good at all subjects. Similarly, You should mention only those selected subjects for which you are good.

As you can see, in most of the job postings they mention about the type of skills the desired candidate will have. For example- Focus your main skills in your Cover Letter looking for Software developer job. I studied Computer science in college, where I majored in Java and Database. I began my career as a Software developer. where I learned so many new techniques and hands-on approach to building software.

4Be Accurate and organic:

 At this point, you are almost done but I would like to direct you towards the real and original information, mention all the real and original information by your own don’t copy/paste from others in Cover Letter.

For example- sometimes in the job posting or mail regarding job consisting some specific questions or keyword you should check that and reply to the following of that question. Per your request, here are the links to my hand-on projects

5Your interest in organisation and work:

It’s a best practice to leave a positive impact on the recruiter. Give a sign that shows your availability for the position and invite them to contact you to discuss further.

Begin with polite words that ask for the job and shows your interest in working with this organization in your Cover Letter. For example –“I can commit 15 hours/week to your company, and my daily hours are negotiable. I’m very grateful to give my best in making your company more growth – please concern my application and contact me directly to discuss this position further.”

Good Luck! 🙂 If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also search for the latest tech news and follow us on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn


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