How To Get Website Listed In Google News- A step by step Guide
How To Get Website Listed In Google News- A step by step Guide

How To Get Website Listed In Google News

Are you looking for ways to add your website to Google News? You are in the right place. Adding your website helps you to bring additional exposure to your website. All you need to submit on Google’s news platform and wait for the approval by Google’s News team.

Before submitting your website go for the certain types of criteria, Google listed on its official page. Once your website is successfully submitted, the Google team will review your website for original content, frequency of publishing content, review the format and layout of your website, and seek information about the writers who contribute content to your website.

Finally, on the approval of your website, you would be able to notice Lots of traffic, credibility, and authority of your website.

What is Google News?

Just like search engine delivered the results, Google News also does the same. It is a computer-generated platform that delivered the news content of the website. You can access Google News by typing this URL or by selecting the ‘News’ section below the search bar on Google’s homepage.

Requirements for submitting a website in Google News

  • You have to have a dedicated news website.
  • A unique, fresh, and relevant content should be updated on a daily basis.
  • Use a professional theme for the website and make sure it loads fast.
  • Make sure your URLs are unique.
  • Publish articles of a required length.
  • Write news-related articles, not evergreen content.
  • Use relevant images.
  • Check for the redirection of the previous posts if in case you are directing to a new site.
  • Make sure the site doesn’t have any 404 errors.

How to create a Sitemap for news

Your site needs an XML sitemap in order to tell about your site content to Google. Also, update the Google about new posts. XML Sitemaps are important for SEO, it gives the direction of each and every web page of your site. Here is our complete guide on how to create a XML sitemap in WordPress by using a plugin. These plugins work great and extremely simple.

How to submit your site

To submit your website to Google news all you need to visit the Google News Publisher Center.

  • Open Google News Publisher Center.
  • Verify ownership of your news site by using Google search console.
  • Click Request inclusion in news index.
  • Enter your website details, including news section URLs and labels.
  • Click Submit.

Google team will review your website in 3-4 weeks. If your gets accepted then you will see an accepted otherwise you will see the rejected. Google does not give any feedback about why the site is not accepted so you have to follow all the criteria listed by Google before submitting the website.


Submitting a site not just propel you to be in the news search results it also drives quality traffic and builds trust in the eyes of your website readers.

READ MORE: 8 Useful Google Chrome Extensions To Make Work Easier

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