Google App Hints At Custom Routines, Pinned Sports Scores And More
Google App Hints At Custom Routines, Pinned Sports Scores And More

Google App Hints At Custom Routines, Pinned Sports Scores And More

Recently, Google laid out some new plans to improve the Assistant and just teaching it more languages. Now, The Google Assistant provides you with the “ready-made” examples to fit your needs instead of creating your own.

Earlier this month Google updated its App unveiled a number of in-development features like new gestures for Pixel Buds and came ahead of Routines of Assistant.

Moreover, It is discovered in the latest update of Google app beta (version hinting at upcoming support for custom Routines and has brought some interesting new features. Google assistant follow words when You tell both what command to use and what actions to perform.

Google app do this with help of string in the app and your Assistant is ready to do multiple things with just one command that is ready-made routines and create custom ones from scratch.

Those who don’t know much about Google assistant or not using currently, so it’s just a combined set of commands that you can activate all at once. Google is continually working to make its core app a lot more useful.

Pinned Sport Scores

Google app beta (version describes a new feature that will allow users pin summaries for sports scores while using other apps like Maps or YouTube.

Google App Hints At Custom Routines, Pinned Sports Scores And More

To allow these notification users will need to first permit the Google app to draw over other apps.Google App Hints At Custom Routines, Pinned Sports Scores And More

<string name=”permission_screen_message”>Pinned matches lets you follow sports games and scores even while you are using other apps. Turn on the permit for drawing over other apps.</string>
<string name=”permission_screen_title”>Update your device settings</string>

Google Assistant Custom Routines

Google app beta (version describes “create custom ones from scratch,” with an updated description of Routines.

<string name=”assistant_settings_custom_routines_description”>Have your Assistant do multiple things with just one command. Use ready-made routines you adjust to fit your day and create custom ones from scratch.</string>

And now users choose their daily actions by custom Routines, enter Assistant commands, set volume, and select media.

<string name=”user_defined_action_add_action”>Add action</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_action_browse_popular_tasks”>Choose popular actions</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_action_custom_query_summary”>”e.g. \”set the volume to 50%\” or \”what’s the weather\””</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_action_custom_query_title”>Enter a Google Assistant command</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_action_empty_custom_query_message”>Please specify a custom command to run.</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_action_menu_item_add”>Add</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_action_popular_tasks_other_actions”>More actions</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_action_popular_tasks_title”>Popular actions</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_ends_with_action”>Add media</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_ends_with_action_no_selection_message”>Please choose the media to play.</string>
<string name=”user_defined_action_add_ends_with_action_what_media”>What media would you like to play?</string>

New gestures for Pixel Buds

Google app beta (version describes more new gestures and features for Pixel Buds. Users will soon be able to set double tap to perform an action other than deliver your notifications.

<string name=”bisto_device_double_tap_next_mode_summary”>Spoken notifications will not be available</string>
<string name=”bisto_device_double_tap_subpref_title”>Customize</string>

Further, Google has confirmed that Pixel Buds will soon turn on/off depending on whether the right eabud is being worn as part in-ear detection then a triple tap gesture will provide manual power control.

<string name=”bisto_device_ohd_pref_summary”>Your Pixel Buds automatically turn on and off when you wear the right earbud. Use Triple Tap for manual power control.</string>


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