Mark Zuckerberg is now sixth richest man on the Earth
Mark Zuckerberg is now sixth richest man on the Earth

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now sixth richest man on the Earth

Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has become the sixth richest man in the world and the fourth wealthiest person in the Unites States – while he was on two-month paternity leave. Mark Zuckerberg surpassed oil magnates Charles and David Koch to become the sixth richest person in the world.

The Facebook CEO’s wealth soared to $47.9 billion this week after the social media website’s stock climbed 12 percent following a strong quarterly earnings report, according to Forbes.

The 31-year-old Harvard graduate is now the youngest person on the world’s top ten richest list where he sits above Google founder Larry Page, the Koch brothers, Charles and David Koch, and most recently, Oracle’s Larry Ellison.

According to Forbes, the co-founder of Facebook has managed to pass the $45.9 billion holdings of brothers Charles and David Koch by raising $6 billion on Thursday.

The Social Network giant, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a busy man, this last quarter, between paternity leave and promoting Free Basics, he’s managed to amass a net worth of $47.9 billion, to become the sixth richest man on the planet.

According to Bloomberg data, the only people wealthier than Mark Zuckerberg are: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates ($76.2 billion), Zara founder Amancio Ortega ($68.4 billion), the Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffett ($59.8 billion), Amazon founder & CEO Jeff Bezos ($55.2 billion) and telecom magnate Carlos Slim Helu ($49.5 billion).


Billionaire Net Worth  (billions) Company Country
Bill Gates $76.2 Microsoft United States
Amancio Ortega $68.4 Zara Spain
Warren Buffett $59.8 Berkshire Hathaway United States
Jeff Bezos $55.2 United States
Carlos Slim Helu $49.5 Telecoms Mexico
Mark Zuckerberg $47.9 Facebook United States
Larry Ellison $44.1 Oracle United States
Charles Koch $39.7 Diversified United States
David Koch $39.7 Diversified United States
Larry Page   $37.5 Google United States


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