Whatsapp Crash: Sending Message Can Crash Your App And Android phone
Beware! Whatsapp Users about Whatsapp Crash, A new WhatsApp message being circulated can crash not just the app but also your phone.
As many users (1.5 billion users globally) are active on WhatsApp daily, should aware of this. Now, there is a new bug that is being forwarded via WhatsApp messages which result in a crash. This message contains a code which when tapped by users overloads WhatsApp and even the OS, resulting in the Whatsapp Crash (App or Android Device).
There seem to be two variants of this WhatsApp message being forwarded. First one, The bug is hidden in a message which reads, “This is very interesting (emoji)…Read more”. Further, Tapping on “Read More” freezes the app, results in the crash.
The second one, The bug is in challenging the way in order to test users. The message says, “If you touch the (emoji) black point then your WhatsApp will hang”. There is a black dot just below the message, overloads WhatsApp and even the OS, resulting in a crash.
According to the reports, The message includes special characters that do not display visibly but are used to change text behaviour. Tapping on a portion of text makes the app ‘expand’ the hidden symbols followed by a popup message saying that WhatsApp isn’t responding.
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